Our Cigars
Perfect for a quick stroll or a short break. Cachitos are made for you to relax and enjoy.
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
- Binder: Honduras
- Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras, Nicaragua
Blended Selection
1502 Emerald
1502 Ruby
1502 Black Gold
If you like strong cigars, you’ll definitely love this one. This particular cigar is made to satisfy the discerning smoker who enjoys bold and strong flavors. It has a double binder and long filler from Nicaragua. With its natural Maduro sun-grown tobacco wrapper, nurtured with all the natural elements where it gets its flavor, especially its strength and character.
Nicaraguan Selection
1502 Nicaragua
The 1502 Nicaragua contains tobaccos from the four main growing regions of Nicaragua: Esteli, Jalapa, Condega, and Ometepe. This cigar fits right in between the 1502 Emerald and 1502 Ruby – as a “medium plus” cigar. The 1502 Nicaragua is the latest creation from 1502 cigars.
1502 Blue Sapphire
It’s the perfect balance between dark chocolate with the right touch of spice, that only a pure Maduro Natural Nicaraguan Cigar with the finest selection of Premium tobacco from Esteli, Condega, and Jalapa can offer.
Master Selection
1502 XO
“I have always strived for perfection in my life. Perfection cannot always be rushed. The 1502 XO achieves the perfect balance of flavor and strength, attained, in large part, by the use of well aged, rare 18 year old tobacco. Let the 1502 XO, our masterpiece, help you relax and enjoy the wonders of what life has to offer.”